the other option [if one doesn't have a lift] is to raise the front of the car using an engine crane attached to fabricated brackets attacked to the front rails where the bumper brackets would go.
or hook the engine crane to the bottom of the core support in two places, as close to the front rails as possible.
this may, or may not work for you, depending on what kind of engine crane you have. in particular, how wide the spread of the legs are.
another option, [this one will raise the hair on the back of your neck to some out there. biggrin] if your garage rafters are stout and exposed, get a piece of 2" or 3" water pipe around 6-8 feet long, and place on the top of the rafters. then, use a set of chain blocks to hook to the core support and hoist away. a couple of "post jacks" can be used under the rafters next to the car to help support the weight.
when it comes right down to it, the front of the car really doesn't weigh very much when lifted this way.
above all, BE SAFE ! do NOT get under the car if it doesn't have any safety stands of any kind supporting the body ! we don't want to LOSE any member[s] here !