

It was a booth selling some newer company 3 letter name brand parts that I cant remember for the life of me.. They are basically cheaper knockoffs of certain stuff? It was like (PRH or PEW) or something like that, im taking a total stab in the dark though... Someones gotta know the brand... No it wasn't PAW TTI MRE or any of the regular names...

Could be PRW..


Also the PRW stuff was being sold by Clay Smith, both @ MATS and the Spring Fling..

Just my $0.02...

That was it! And im 99% sure you are right, it was beside the Clay Smith booth where they were selling the T-shirts...

11.48 @ 120 with a 1.80 60' 318, stock 1.88 heads, stock 904, Pump Gas, 13 lbs of boost.

9.94 @ 134, 318 on pump gas, 14 lbs w/ Eddies, transbrake 727, 3600 lbs, 3.54 gear and 28's.