Originally Posted by 68SportFury
Originally Posted by jcc
Thanks, the cars are great, but your camera work et all is fantastic, great lighting, angles, composition, perfect cropping, interesting selections etc
That was a lot of work. thumbs

BTW, what equipment/specs are at play here?

Nikon B500, which is a fancy point-and-shoot. I almost always use the Auto setting, but I'll tweak the brightness in an effort to avoid having light areas completely blown out when I'm shooting a dark car. I had it at -0.3 for most of the weekend, with a few exceptions where I pulled it down to -0.7 or even -1.0.
I crop in MS Photos, resize and do some editing in my ancient Arcsoft PhotoImpression 5, then make final, fine adjustments to light/dark areas and sometimes color saturation in MS Photos. If I have to paint out a phone number or distracting signage, I do that in IrfanView. [font:Arial Black][/font] That's a nifty program for digital pic. The panoramic image feature is very useful also.
I'm too cheap to buy Photoshop. grin