We were going to run 4 races this weekend. Weather got us and we ran two. It was a littel hectic running two cars. We really didn't have enough ballast weight between us. So I pulled timing from 35 to 27 aloowing me to run less weight. Qualifing was one to quick, one to slow. First rd though it was dialed in. Unfortunately I wasn't .093/ 9.250. Would've been tough anyway as he was .011 and 11.261 (on a 11.25) on the brakes. Spent the rest of the day crewing for my son and teaching my grandaughter her crew duties. In the evening they had the Scot Rod gassers, jet cars, and our race. Special race for me since it was a memorial race for my friend Rick who had died unexpectedly this spring. Rd 1; I was behind at the tree by .005. But downtrack I pushed my opponent under with a 9.269. 2nd rd I got the always tough Whompin Wedge. Rarely do I get chased. But Casey is on 9.00 index. I'm .013/9.267 to his 8.99. 3rd rd is something we new would happen sooner or later. It's Dizuster vs me. In the staging lanes racers are quizing my grand daughter. Who are you rooting for? She says "Sorry dad. Got to go with with Papa". I was hopeing for a close race but his car spun at the hit. Not to mention I wasn't letting up on him, .012/9.48 coasting. We waited 2 hr's to run the final at 12:00am. Neither of us were good on the tree My .086 to his .109 I lifted and tightened the stripe down to .018. Never in my dreams would i have belived this would be my 21st final in this car, 19 of them wins. Winning this memorial event was special to me. We are pointing up to Rick.

Last edited by dvw; 06/27/23 01:35 PM.