
Maybe not that bad, but after all these years of use or abuse, they could it be some damaged, so not a guarantee of good working conditions.

Being the clutch kind are easier and cheaper rebuildable, kist are everywhere, and able to make it at home, thats an advantage. Cone kind will need to me machined as stated, not too cheap to make that.

Actually, I would have gone to a clutch type ( for the rebuildability thing ), but they are not available for the 9 1/4 diff. Per Auburn gear, the check to see if your cone unit is still serviceable is easy ( applies to a 9 1/4 - don't know about others): Jack one tire off the ground. Put a torque wrench on a lug nut on that wheel ( radially out from the wheel center ). Break-away torque for a new unit should be 70 lbs or better. They claim the unit is serviceable down to 20 lbs. Below that, replace. They also suggest 80-90 gear oil only. No synthetic. An additive os ok if you have bad chatter on turns.

Fastest 300