My stepdad and I will be there as always, we will be leaving our house on Wednesday morning the 12th at about 7am EST and meeting our friend in NY at the PA border at about 9am. This is all if the weather is good that day, but if not we will probably leave on Thursday morning. We will be bringing 2 cars this year which are both C-body cars, pictures are below. A blue 1968 Sport Fury Fast-top which is going to be in the High School Mopar building display, and a freshly restored Sunfire Yellow 1970 Sport Fury S/23 to be in the 1969-1973 C-body Stock class and to drive around all weekend while the '68 is in the building.

I'd like to give a big and special thank you to Ed or @cudaboy340 on here for putting on a great show year after year and for giving my stepdad and I the honor and privilege of being in the special display too, so thank you very much Ed.

As a separate note too though, I'm thrilled that the survivor display is coming back this year after Mel's passing to keep the tradition alive.

Looking forward to the show, as we do every year. See everyone in July, feel free to stop by either of the cars and say hello! up punkrocka

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If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)