Originally Posted by DrCharles
Originally Posted by gregsdart
Originally Posted by Blusmbl
Originally Posted by metallicareload
Engine Masters did a thing on this and flex fans were generally the worst by a good bit. I think the worst one was a plastic fan at full flaps

x2. Best is obviously an electric fan. Next best is the clutch fan setup. The flex fans are worse for parasitic loss.

i had very good luck using a clutch seven blade fan on a 408. The clutch limits fan rpm, which limits power loss. Flex fans, not so much.

How about a flex fan mounted on a clutch? popcorn
The seven blade moves a ton of air at low speeds, making it efficient because max rpm it will see due to the clutch is tied to its huge capacity to move air.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky