Thanks both of you guys for the responses. after quite a bit more of searching and looking through catalogs I was in fact able to find the correct (for my needs) fitting: both Gates and Eaton offer them, see attachments for details.

Now perhaps the better question is: do I take the "easy route" and source the said fitting and just plug it all together, or do I go the route my friend advised me, which is to make the required hoses using AN connectors?

I have no experience making hoses, my buddy said it's easy stuff and I trust him.

The option to take this to a local shop is something I considered as well, but truth be told, it seems like NO ONE these days is either capable of doing 'custom work' (meaning anything that doesn't come in a box), or perhaps simply has no interest in doing so. I literally walked into the local CarQuest shop yesterday with all my attachments (current and new hoses, the fittings I had, even took printouts of what I was looking for), counter guy eventually paid attention to me standing there waiting for someone to talk to and his only answer was "nope, sorry, we don't have any fittings"...???? Hey, but there is a nice big box right behind you that has drawers clearly labeled "brake fittings", "adapters", I re-iterated my question as to the availability, still same result...and this in Windsor, ON, Canada which for years has been considered the "Auto Capital of Canada", given the proximity to Detroit, etc.

So yeah, this unfortunately isn't the first time I experienced this which is why I had almost completely transitioned to simply finding stuff on my own!
