Five foot table and could swing 10 feet in diameter.

Two tool posts on opposite sides.

It was a make that went out of business in the late 1930s.

The name may pop up up in memory.

When we bought it two Model T Ford gearboxes had been put in series to drive the table at different rpms

The two Sumitomo stepless variable speed drives, one for table rpm, one for tool travel worked well with no detectable slippage.

We were selling large amounts of metallurgical coal to Japan through Sumitomo Trading Company in Chicago at the time.

Our Sumitomo representative tried to get me to buy an RX-7 in its first year at a big discount.
I declined but shoulda taken the offer.
Sumitomo owned a large % share of Mazda at that time, and was their banker.

Sumitomo used American Commercial Barge Lines to barge the coal to New Orleans.
ACBL kept offering to get me to ride a tug boat from Cincinnati to New Orleans.
Told me I would never forget the trip or the food on the tugboats.
Ingram Barge and Caperton family barge companies offered that river trip.
Stupidly declined those offers too.
“We are too soon old and too late smart.”