Originally Posted by poorboy
The guy probably tried to sell it but no one wanted to pay $50 to get it shipped to them.

A couple years ago
due to “supply chain issues”
shipping costs doubled or even tripled.

Notice the “issues” are not anywhere near as bad now,
but the shipping prices stay higher.

Inflation/Deflation of paper money
is extra bad because the higher prices “ratchet upward”.

With silver as money
there is still both periodic inflation and its opposite deflation,
but prices are far more likely to return to baseline quickly.

Silver was used as everyday money by
Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Spanish, British, USA, and more countries in olden times.

Using Gold as money is much newer, especially bricks of Gold.

It was advocated by the Kaiser of Germany around 1870 for a simple, practical reason: when countries need to “settle up” money surplus or shortage due to international trade, some kind of money must be put in a safe or “strongbox” and shipped by wagon, train, or ship.

The Germans simply pointed out that any given safe will have a greater amount of money inside if packed with bricks of gold rather than silver coins, and if thieves somehow steal the gold bricks, it will be hard for the thieves to run away fast with heavy loads, and easier to identify stolen gold bricks than common silver coins.

So obviously,
the exhaust header+ oil pans work of art above,
should now be recreated in gold.