There is quite a bit to this conversion. Adapter kit TCM and Harness and HP tuner and s TPS if you running carburetor. Has for HP/TQ there are 900-1000 HP cars using HP70. More HP than that probably better to do the HP90. My deal is a 512 with 640HP/670TQ so I'm good. Russell Drake at Sound German Automotive can help with everything you need to do this. He's got stock shifters paddle shifters TCM harness and remote tuning ability. Also on my deal I gonna have to send my HP70 TCM in to Russell to program the trans itself. I'm gonna do mine with a 1320 calibration. So I will have 3 modes the Track mode=Trans Brake Sport= Manual shift and Street mode= Full auto. So I'm gonna need the paddle shifter plus a stock shifter and mode selector. I will confirm all this with Russell and make sure I'm telling this right. I will let you guys know

UPDATE Talked with Russell. Everything above is doable. But he said I could hold off on the TB. I can always upgrade to the TB feature later. He says TB works well but didn't know if it wouldn't be just as good without for what I'm doing. So I'm leaning now more to just to all time Track mode without the TB.

Last edited by HDNMOPERS; 04/20/23 02:16 PM.