Originally Posted by 71TA
Originally Posted by moparx
add in things like MS [which i have been dealing with for years] and it's harder still.
however, there are guys out there with worse issues. they need WAY more attention than i do, so those are the ones to focus on, not me.

Or Vertigo. Have only had it BAD one time but I'm afraid to look under the bed for my sock. Not sure if I'll be able to crawl under the car anymore smile Sucks being SIXTY ONE except for all the wisdom we gain, THAT OUR KIDS WON'T LISTEN TO.

and to think, for the last several months, i have been threatening to write down my old man's "sayings" that are so prevalent to life in general...........
such as : "That dumb ba$tard is so dumb, he don't even know he left the house yet !........." [after seeing someone he knew on the street, or after overhearing or participating in, a conversation]
i gotta get that done before i croak !!! but i need to carry a pad and pen with me at all times, because they only come to me in spurts. and when i try to remember them, i cant.........
and Vertigo is NOT good ! down sorry you have to deal with that !