Originally Posted by Sunroofcuda
The "root cause" is EV's catch fire. What are they going to do - re-invent the batteries?

I want to see all the E-V manufacturers who blindly jumped on this STUPID bandwagon, fall on their swords. I want to see them lose billions.

Youtube content creators along with radio and TV newscasters promoting EVs simply by reporting on them when they proclaim "The EV wave is coming and you can be ready" or "Weather you like it or not internal combustion engines are on their way out." BS. Just because the companies are making them doesn't mean the public will be buying them. In the 50s people viewed the homes of the future- the domed round homes with a robot servant and automated kitchen appliances. People would observe and say neato. But if presented the opportunity to buy it- would say I'Il pass I like what I have. A Q&A podcast I really like- The Nordstrom Motor Medics has a tech who is smart and likable. Russ Evans. But it drives me crazy to hear him promote to existing techs the training for the "incoming wave of EV vehicles.'

Keep old mopars alive.