Originally Posted by J_BODY
It’s not been kind for the past year being a diesel owner for sure with the fuel costs.

It should not be forgotten that the big $ root problem was
making ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel) maximum sulfur level so low
that only adding in highly expensive synthetic diesel fuel made from pure natural gas
could get the blended fuel down to this sulfur level.

Remember when Diesel Fuel cost less per gallon than gasoline?

This is such a massive mistake.

It would make more sense to stop growing all the corn for ethanol,
and devote that massive farming acreage to growing peanuts
and blending peanut oil in to make ULSD.

Peanut (and other plant oils) are nearly sulfur free.
Just like corn made into ethanol leaves “Distiller’s Grain” byproduct to feed to farm animals,
oil from peanuts would leave a byproduct food rich in protein.

When Rudolf Diesel could not make his engine invention work on coal dust,
one of his coal mine engineer uncles suggested that
he “temporarily” switch to peanut oil to work the bugs out.
He got bugs worked out and switched to kerosene, then heavy oil.

The ULSD mistake is so big it is hard to wrap your brain around how it came to be law.