Originally Posted by poorboy
It did appear he wasn't too concerned about his wife getting out of the truck, or maybe he kept telling her to get out but she wasn't listening? How many here have a wife that would be telling him she wasn't getting out of the truck way out here in the boonies? It was possible he was holding the door open trying to convince the dumb broad to get out of the truck..

Maybe he thought his old GMC was tougher then that dumb train. He may also had been concerned that if it rolled back, it might fall over the embankment on its own, the wheels are turned pretty tight and it looks to be close to the edge. Maybe he thought it was far enough off the tracks the train would miss it, it doesn't appear to be "on" the tracks in the pictures. The train hangs a long way out past the track, if you haven't been up close to a train, you might not know that.

Maybe he was too dumb, or too drunk. Maybe she was too.

After looking at the pictures of the crumpled up GMC, it didn't look like too big of a loss, lots of lipstick on that pig. The pictures of the bottom of the door told me a lot about the condition of the truck.

My thought also. Some Bondo a nice paint job and new interior. Lipstick on a pig.