I stumbled across Moparts when I was going through a divorce many many years ago, and found myself being a single dad with a whole lot of new bills and a barnload of old parts. A quick on-line search for 'mopar parts for sale' brought me here. That was...more than two decades ago. A lot of people have come and gone through here, and I miss many of them. Some more than others! For the 'old guys here'.. I never warmed up to OBS, don't know why, and never understood DG, at all, but found I missed her when she left. It was a heck of a board and while I was never a big 'contributor' then, or now, I visited several times a day, and still do when I get a chance. It's still the best board on the net.

Thank you, Tom, for all you've done for me, and for all of us here.