I certainly do not like sunroofs that leak or make wind noise.

I have a nephew who suffered more than $5000 in damage to the dash instruments from a closed but leaking BMW sunroof..

I guess a sunroof is a somewhat safer way to transport a surf board.
Long ago I knew a guy who died in an auto accident where he was transporting a surf board out a side window. Left a wife and children. Parents owned The Courier Journal newspaper in Louisville, and mourned their son’s death until their own deaths.

Met a girl in Newcastle who drove a 2CV and used it like a small truck to move large beds, cabinets, bookcases, etc.
Until I witnessed that firsthand I thought the canvas roof inferior.
Always laugh when I see the James Bond 2CV chase through the hilly olive grove. Even better than the Lotus submarine.

I later read that Ferdinand Porsche designed the 2CV while in a French prison after WW2 for the war crime of using French prisoners of war in factories that made his misdesigned Nazi “supertank” which helpfully sucked up steel, skilled labor, and other scarce supplies - even delaying the important Kursk battle, giving the Soviets time to improve defenses.