I knew a really great guy who made a career of selling specialty metal alloys.
He was already comfortably well off when he won a $6 million lottery.

He took $5 million and created a fund for a Down Syndrome grandson’s lifetime care.

He took the other $1 million and used the interest to buy more lottery tickets every morning.

Nine years later he won another $2 million.

There is an Australia based company that monitors worldwide lotteries and steps in and buys up all unpurchased numbers when the odds are favorable.

Being an underground coal miner is kind of a lottery.

There are 0.5 deaths every 100,000 hours worked.

40 hours a week times 50 weeks/yr times 50 years

Offshore fisherman, farmers, and loggers are now more dangerous than miners.

What are the numbers for track only drag racers?