I don't know the conditions that boat sank in but do have some experience in nasty water. Years ago, I bass fished a lot and tournament fished too. I live near two very large lakes that get upside down pretty quick. In one tournament the weather was bad with the wind blowing straight up the lake, there were 15' waves. Five boats sank that morning, luckily no one drowned. A harbor (small tow) boat rescued eight of the fishermen, the other two were in a boat that lost power and were blown against the bank, they stood on the bank and watched a brand new bass boat beat to death against the rocks. I can tell you without a doubt, no one could stop to help without their boat being sank too. My fishing partner and I made it across the lake into the canal that joins the two. After reaching the canal when I stood up water ran out of my rain suit and was over my boots in the boat. That is the only thing that has ever scared me, and I've had cars in some stupid places at stupid speeds when I was young. My daughter was about three at the time and all I could think was that she was going to grow up never knowing her dad. We were in one of the early flights and didn't see any of the guys in trouble.

Having said all of that, children change the whole deal, but I won't judge. I've seen the monster and I've said the prayers, by the grace of God I'm here today.