Originally Posted by Dcuda69
Originally Posted by larrymopar360
Originally Posted by fourgearsavoy
There is WAY too much Kindig on MT for me. I just cant stand all the BS going on in some of the car building shows for me. Hopefully that KevDog guy goes off into the sunset then maybe the show would be watchable. That is why GYC is so hard to watch because of the STUPID crap that Mark does all the time. I do understand they do all that crap because they think it makes their shows more interesting but the producers are wrong.
Just my opinion shruggy

Gus beer
At least Mark on GYC is okay in my book because he's a Mopar guy and he dresses like an adult without the stupid hat and clothes.

So wearing stupid movie t-shirts and quoting stupid movie lines is acting like an adult? GYC has as much if not more BS as the other car shows. From the "quizzes" at breaks(nope, missed that episode,don't care) to the movie BS(don't care) to the sad stories about him growing up with nothing...it all gets old. twocents

Mark makes that show unwatchable for me.

It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
