Latest research hints that there is nothing originally in red meat that is harmful,
but some of us are infected with a microbe that lives in our gut
that eats the “leftovers” from the red meat
and creates a harmful poison
that goes by its initials TMAO
that attacks our arteries.

Possibly we could take a drug that would interfere with that “bug”
then eat red meat without harm.

sample quote

Eat a slab of steak or a plate of scrambled eggs, and your resident gut bacteria get to work immediately to break it down. As they metabolize the amino acids L-carnitine and choline, they churn out a metabolic byproduct called trimethylamine, which the liver converts to trimethylamine-N-Oxide (TMAO) and sends coursing through your bloodstream. Previous studies have shown that people with higher blood levels of TMAO are more than twice as likely to have a heart attack or stroke and tend to die earlier.
On the flip side, old mice that ate a compound called
dimethyl butanol, (found in trace amounts in olive oil, vinegar and red wine)
saw their vascular dysfunction reverse. Scientists believe that this compound prevents the production of TMAO.

end quote

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