Originally Posted by larrymopar360
You'd think their equivalent of Public Works would've barricaded it off.

I've BEEN the guy putting out barricades to block off a flooded road, with signs that say " "Road Closed", Water Over Road" and Turn Around-Don't Drown". People will drive around you, drag the barricades out of their way so they can get through, whatever it takes so they're not inconvenienced by having to take an unfamiliar route. I wish I had a dollar for every time somebody told me I had to let them through because, "That's the way I get home!"

We had our water department close a road due to a water main leak, and had an excavator sitting in the road digging it up. A (non-American-born) doctor drove around their barricades into the worksite, cuss out the workers for digging up HIS road when he needed to get home, then drive up a driveway through peoples front yards until his Mercedes got stuck in a flower bed.