Originally Posted by demon
Originally Posted by moparx
wasn't the aspen-volare an F-body ?

Aspen Volare are F body.
Diplomat, Lebaron, Caravelle, 5th Ave, Mirada, 80-83 Cordoba, 81-83 Imperial are all versions of the Aspen Volare. Underneath, they are all the same car.
All the 4 doors are essentially the same car with different taillights and grilles.
An 89 5th Ave M body is just a slightly updated 76 Volare F body sedan.
I agree mostly although I can say from experience in owning both F and many M's that there were quite a bit of changes and improvements. The 82-89 M's for example had much better bumper quality, bumper fills, plastics in general such as grill, taillight quality and many other things such as rust protection too. The major thing they shared was the transverse t-bars.

Facts are stubborn things.