I don't think there was any time limit per dealership agreement; but it probably was good practise to sell within 90 days.

However, I used to own a particular red 1971 Dart Swinger, SPD of 802, VIN ending in 100331.... documentation found inside the glove box indicate the car was not sold until May of 1972.

We're pretty sure it was a fire sale car. They HAD to get rid of it. Was an FE5 car, black top, black&white vinyl interior. Must've been a sharp car when new but probably way too "loud" for the time. One of very few mopars I'd encountered that were BLACK under the bonnet and in the boot. The rest of the body was also a that very-common-for-the-70s shade of metallic lime/gold. 99% certain the dealership had it resprayed a more conservative color to unload it.

I'd actually seen the car around town most of my life. I believe it was a High School teachers' car as I remember it being parked there. Always thought they had to be pretty hip with a KZZU sticker from a radio station out of Spokane.

Last edited by That AMC Guy; 09/03/22 03:47 AM.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....