About 6 years ago , got tired of constant price increases and really not very good service with DirectTv , I canceled it and put a big antenna up in my attic , due to where I am located between two larger towns I then received IIRC about 20 channels , FFW to now , I think I normally get about 50 .

We had a extremely dry and windy winter and spring due to La Nina' and my antenna worked ..awful but, most recently it has been much better ..

Yesterday it was working lousy so,

I scanned my TV last night and now, 71 show up but, most you can't view yet , apparently they are adding more , what was the weirdest thing , I got a station from Des Moines ? ( and I CAN'T get my local channel in SIoux Falls ) lol

Yes, there is some redundancy .. two of most of the major networks , 3 PBS channels but for free and i only watch just a little bit a day, mostly for weather and maybe cartoons on Saturday morning on MeTv

The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating.Proverbs 18:6