Free technical information on lead acid battery charging

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Much has been said about pulse charging of lead acid batteries to reduce sulfation. The results are inconclusive and manufacturers as well as service technicians are divided on the benefit. If sulfation could be measured and the right amount of pulsing applied, then the remedy could be beneficial; however giving a cure without knowing the underlying side effects can be harmful to the battery.

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I am 60% confident this Pulsetech brand name charger has extended the life of my 12 volt lead acid batteries

I know it is using high frequency current because I can hear it using my “DC to daylight” wide coverage radios.

It makes some of the WORST buzzing on radios I have ever encountered.

I monitor the watts of power it uses with a Kill-O-Watt meter.

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on the Pulsetech charger

Most of these 'smart' chargers use the same integrated circuits from Texas Instruments.
Those ICs have safety features to stop the charger from pouring amperage into a bad battery (or worse) and creating a safety problem. If the charger is hooked up to the battery with reverse polarity it will not charge (i.e. backwards, negative connected to positive, etc). If the battery voltage is too low it will not charge. Many people use a 'dumb' constant current charger to bump the battery voltage up to minimum then connect the smart charger. Also, there is at least one timer that will disconnect power if the charge takes too long, usually after about a day or so, then it displays the 'bad battery' light. Unplugging the unit from the AC then reconnecting should reset this timer and allow another charging cycle. After the battery is fully charged and being maintained, this charger periodically checks to see if the battery will accept amperage, I.E. need more charging time. This check and any subsequent charging will bring on the charging light for the time that the charging circuit is active for this purpose.

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