We must be speaking different languages here because no matter what I write, I'm not getting the answers directly to what I am asking. I feel like I'm dealing with lawyers here.
I have mixed and matched stuff in the past but am trying to get a matched system going BUT want to know why and how it works. Don't you guys have any natural curiosity about how things work? Maybe you don't understand it either but won't admit it?
Andy...I read your response about smaller and matched components on newer factory systems. I'm trying to understand why the old setup could have had a boosted 15/16" master cylinder and 2,75" calipers and an aftermarket setup can have the same sized MC, smaller calipers (Larger rotors) and somehow provide better stopping. Even the stock manual disc/drum A body cars had a MC with a 1 inch bore or something close to that.
I'm not broke and pinching pennies here.....I just like to know that I'm not spending time and money to see no results. I want to know the how and why. I'm like this with everything even if it is free.