The insurance game reeks. Don't they own sky scrapers and hold lots of assets them selves all around the globe?
Here there are scary fires and earthquakes, that they will not insure, or at a minimum jack up rates or findinsurers in TX or London.
Doing the math is maddening. Beside homeowner (must add construction cost and code upgrade), there is car and collector car, (boat and motor cycle), must have liability sufficient enough to protect your ass(ets), Oh, don't think twice about owning a rott, dobie, shepherd, terrier, or numerous others. Know who you invite to gatherings and require byob, Lets not forget annual mileage verification, property fire inspections, agreements to foil wrap and foam your home if there is a fire. I can only imagine what they will pull next to avoid any payouts. There are all sorts of pages of disclaimers and limitations. I know several that hunted around and their existing insurance threatened dropping and increases (can't verify if that was b.s. or not).
This is no b.s. it's what it's like in the rural areas of the west.