We used to live on a border city to Detroit. Our house about 5 block east of the border. Our shop is 1 mile north of the border.

We sold our house and closed last Mon. Last fall we purchased a house on an island with a community of 1500 basically retirees. Its heaven. Except for boat noise, duck hunters and vicious mosquitoes after 9:30pm smile. Now we need to move our shop it appears. Our company is family and friends. Trying to convince everyone to GET THE HELL AWAY from Detroit.

Just got a ring doorbell crime notice from tge old neighborhood that, how can I say this politely, people that dont live in that neighborhood were breaking into the cars this morning about 5:30AM. I don’t remember that ever happening there. Ever. Also a neighbor was “jacked” while jogging!?!?! Looks like for once in our lives we sold high and exited at the right time.