The replacement leaf spring clamps are two pieces. One part is above the spring, the other part is below the spring. You position the clamp between the two numbs on the plastic piece that is between the two leafs. The one piece has an ear on each side, the the other piece has a slot on each side that the ears fit into. Once in position, you squeeze the two parts together, with the ears inserted into the slots, then you pull each ear tight and pull it through the slot and bend it at a 90 degree angle, and repeat the process on the other ear. Once both ears are bent at 90 degrees, you finish bending them to 180 degrees (back towards them selves) and hammer the ears flat against themselves Then you can cut the excess length of the ears off that extend beyond the spring pack.

If you don't want to go through all of that, you can buy a pair of the worm tooth hose clamps, open one up until you can put it around the leaf spring, positioned between the two nubs on the plastic piece between the two leafs, and tighten the hose clamp tight. Repeat the process on the other leaf spring if needed. This will accomplish the same thing as the real spring clamps, hold the end of the one leaf in place and against the other leafs in the pack. You can add a clamp to the end of each leaf on the spring pack in front of the rear end and the spring will act like it has a traction bar.