Originally Posted by Mastershake340
Shoot we'll be lucky if the new car market ever gets where it needs to be again. Component shortages, suppliers getting shut down in places like Ukraine even. China shutting down cities and ports for Covid still.
I work for a truck OEM and during a employee meeting recently they were talking about commodity pricing. For example steel was up 250% in a year and other components were almost as bad.
The days of nice rebates and negotiating10 grand below sticker are history IMHO.

It'll get there, they are already building chip factories here and will self-make anything else they need. Not sure of the exact numbers but I think they are off about 3 million sales, which ironically was the same as 2007 when GM and Chrysler put up the white flag. Remember back then when GM was so shamed about the hummer they axed the brand, and look at what Jeep just built lol. Every 10 years it seems we go into melt down mode