I’ve done almost all my own oil changes for 40+ years with few exceptions. The exceptions being “free” oil changes I’ve been given with new car purchases.
I change my oil regularly using top brands and Wix/Napa filters. Never had an engine problem. (Knock wood).
Never kept much in the way of records of them though either.
I bought my 6.4 Ram last April and at under 4000 miles I haven’t had an oil change yet. I didn’t get a free oil change offer with this purchase. I’ve been planning to get the oil changed at a dealer very soon, if nothing else to let them remove the oil filter on the chance they still have “Mongo” installing the filters torqued to 200 ft-lb at the hemi engine assembly plant as has been the case previously.
6.4s sometimes have lifter/cam issues and I want to be covered if that happens with mine. I’m concerned if I do my own oil changes how to document that adequately so the dealer couldn’t deny? Reciept doesn’t prove anything except you bought oil. And receipts these days are printed with ink that often vanishes after a year.
So what to do, make videos of oil changes holding up the days newspaper to prove done? laugh2