As with anything, you have to totally assess the whole package . . . I still have my 2006 Magnum RT AWD, with 230k km (143k miles), have always done routine maintenance, including minor rust repair in the wheel arches on the back 1/4s. I know the shop I take it to, for things I can't/won't do, would totally back up the fact that it is still in great condition. Can anyone say how long or good a car will be ?? . . . look at the maintenance history, condition, etc and decide. I would rather pay a bit more for high mileage vehicle I would want, that I have seen the maintenance history, etc.

In the current market conditions, you still have to do your homework on that vehicle you want/need - what were the weak points/strong points, etc, how was it maintained ? How does it present ? Do you feel good about the "deal" ??

On the "parts front" . . . lots of parts available on RockAuto and other places . . . and if it's a platform that has been around for a while (like LX), then there should be parts supply for it, well into the future (hopefully !)