looking for ideas. just thinking out loud for now.
i probably know what i have to do, i am just hoping for a budget solution.

my original plan was to sell my house at a good profit. buy another and build a large garage to fit my needs.
prices have gone beyond stupid so i will probably keep my current home / garage and update.

the IDIOT who built the place made a nice LOOKING but useless garage, 24' X 35 with 9' walls.'. the idiot only pored MAYBE a 4" thick slab. couldn't tell you how he got that by the inspector. built in the early 70's.
he also sloped the driveway directly towards the garage and the entire floor is lower than the driveway. the floor is flat without any ramp like part leading into the garage that a proper built garage has. needless to say every time it rains water pours into my garage pretty much making it storage only building. the thin slab combined with water problems cracked the floor in several places. the only good thing is there are a couple of floor drains in the garage helping get rid of the water that pours into the garage.

my question is it possible for someone to grind the slab and then pour a 6" thick slab on top of the existing messed up floor?

also he built the garage in the lowest spot on the lot. after he poured the slab he only put 1 course of block on the slab and then built the walls on top of that. the problem is the dirt around the garage is about 1' higher than the block in a few areas. when i bought the house i re graded the lot trying to keep water away from the garage. i built a french drain to help any water that puddles by the water to drain away from the garage. this has helped but it needs to be improved.

my question is it economically feasible to lift up the garage, add a couple of course of block and then set the garage down on the higher walls?
if i did this combined with a thicker slab i would have a pretty nice usable garage.

is this idea feasible? or would it just be cheaper to knock everything down, rip up the slab and start over?

who would i contact about discussing doing something like this?

thanks in advance for your ideas.

Last edited by Mr T2U; 03/07/22 08:13 PM.

perception is 90% of reality