The 268 at .050, .540 lift juice cam from the eighties was as wild as you could get. It is no longer listed and people at Comp don't remember it. Anyone have detailed specs for this cam? A friend has one in his 68 roadrunner and a couple of lobes and lifters failed. We want to replace it with an equivalent solid or hydraulic . The motor is a lowdeck 451 stroker using kb hyper pistons with the raised area for quench.
The heads are from McCandless as well, the iron 452 heads he used to sell with just a 70 degree plunge cut and 2.14 x 1.81 valves. This motor pushed a FULL WEIGHT 68 roadrunner to 11.27 with closed exhaust so it sure did punch above its weight!
So, looking for lsa, duration at . 100, .200, etc to try and match this cam and maintain or increase hp.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky