Originally Posted by Mastershake340
In Illinois, as badly run as it may be, this policy concerning car insurance might be good. https://www.illinoispolicy.org/star...ois-car-insurance-could-end-in-100-fine/

In a state where 30% of the cars are running around with expired plates (stickers), I suppose the next step would to simply not have a drivers license. Oh wait, there are a bunch of those people driving around as well. Expired plates, no drivers license, why would you be concerned about not having insurance? Probably has no job either. Laws have no effect on those that don't care about the laws, it only messes around with the people that are trying to do the right thing.

I wonder if that was one of those laws they passed at 11:30 at night, after they called for a special session that started at 10 PM?