Never been to Idaho. But I used to live in Ohio. I got Historical plates which allowed you to register model year plates. One time coming home late at night the flashing lights came on behind me. They accused me of having State Vehicle plates on my Barracuda. I said they are not and they (yes he actually called for backup) said yes they are because they are white with red letters. I explained to them that they are model year plates and 1970 Ohio plates are white with red letters. They both said they never heard of model year plates. I had to dig around in the trunk in the dark and find my historical plate and model year plate registration. They let me go but warned me that they would be checking my story the next day. They were not old enough to have ever seen a 1970 plate and I don't need this kind of crap so next day I hung the model year plate on the garage wall and put the Historical back on the car. When I moved to Tennessee I just got a regular plate.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.