As some of you may or may not know, my other hobby besides cars is old tractors. I love them just like Mopars and have from a very young age. I unfortunately don't have any Mopars....yet, besides my daily driver but I do have a tractor I'm currently restoring.

The tractors gas tank has 2 small holes in it, one is like a tip on a fork if that makes sense and the other is a little smaller than that. I am on multiple tractor forums and one member on one of the forums says to use JB Weld to fix the holes, and another member on another one of the forums says to use a glaze and spot putty from AutoZone.

My stepdad says JB Weld is not really that good for the gas tank because it could crack over time then the gas tank will be leaking gas all over my new paint job when the tractor is all done and painted, so he technically says don't use JB Weld and that I want something that will last forever so bring it to our local radiator repair shop who also repairs gas tanks

In my opinion though, if I could use something like to JB or the putty stuff to fix it myself to save a little money on this project I would like to do it.

My questions are 1) is JB Weld OR the glaze and putty from AutoZone any good for my gas tank holes?, 2) should I use one or the other?, OR 3) should I listen to my stepdad and bring it to the radiator shop?

Thank you to everyone for their help in advance!

Is JB Weld OR A Glaze & Putty Good?
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 02/10/22 12:52 AM
tank 1A.jpgtank 2A.jpg

If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)