Originally Posted by 2boltmain
Originally Posted by PhillyRag
"Collections are cared for". This was just plan hoarding with no obvious plans to work on any, let alone restore any.
Oh Yea: some will say he "saved" them years earlier from being scrapped.
He just prolonged their final destiny, that's all.,

I posted in the comments: "Calling it a car "Collection" insinuates a collection of cars protected from the harsh elements of time environment and nature. This is a gathering- a hoarding of cars left to rot while the owner was alive- and then after the passing of that owner this collection becomes the responsibility of the next of kin."

Bring in a portable crusher; seems that his "collection" became a Major Headache for next kin or new owner.
With scrap prices up all-around, ideal time to "thin-the-herd" I'd guess.
Yeap: I've seen many junkyards better managed.

Last edited by PhillyRag; 01/24/22 12:44 AM.