what a mess

i blast a ton of late model truck frames and suspensions. average three a week for the last 5 years. I do dodge chevy and ford trucks. if you want it to stop rusting. blast and paint underneath and then undercoat or do that oil treatment. putting anything over a failing/rusting coating is a time bomb in my opinion. yes the oil will slow it down for sure but in the end its kind of like a sacrificial coating rather than a permanent solution. my customer just did his 2021 f350 with it so will see how it holds up on a brand new truck. (fords are the worst for rot, then chevy as their frame paint is almost on the rubber side and then mopar stuff which is super thin but hold up pretty well) spare tire area is the worst on all trucks.

blast and paint is super easy on frames and diffs. 1/2 day job at most.