Originally Posted by Stanton
Originally Posted by oldjonny
Originally Posted by Stanton
I imagine when the motorcar started to gain popularity there was more than one stubborn sole who walked in in front one expecting it to stop and was promptly run over. All you guys who are still wearing bellbottoms and mullets need to realize that EV's aren't going away. The more that are produced and sold the greater the technological advancements will be. If for no other reason you'll be forced onto the bandwagon simply because you won't be able to afford the gas prices that escalate due to lower demand as the EV's take over. The writing is on the wall.

Safe to assume either you struggle with reading or maybe its the comprehension of said reading? Nobody said anything about what you speak. Generalize much?

Sounds like I offended someone with a mullet and bellbottoms !!

Electric powered cars were here before ICE powered cars, ICE power won out for a good reason and forcing us to go back to them is like making everyone turn in their I-pod and replacing them with 8 tracks.

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!