
You backed out of your original bet, seems like a scam to me. One shouldn't make claims, backing them up with an offer if one is not willing to fulfill the offer.
You got called out, and to save face you are fulfilling the offer. Wonderful you. I'll retract my statement if you apologize here to the winner, and stop whining because you don't know everything.

Another Keyboard-Commmando !

WHERE did I back-off of this "bet"? ... I simply asked for proof that this was not simply hear-say. Ozzie supplied this .... THERE was no backing-off ... ever.

And AGAIN .... one could argue that there was no "official" bet since there was nothing put-up by the other side(had I been correct) .... but I will not go-there.

I will NOT apologize because there is reason to do so. I will honor my side of this one-sided wager.

But a retraction from YOU is in-order.

Me know everything ? ... I am on-here all the time asking questions ..... so THIS statement from you is pure BS.

So ...an apology from you is in-order.

....Ozzie ... would you like so caramel corn ?