Originally Posted by moparacer
This past weekend. Semi's, Car run 5.557 earlier, sun had set, shade on the track, and I had a 5.56 on it through eliminations. I decide to bump it down .01 to the 5.55, thinking the 60 ft. will pick up slightly, putting me dead on a 55. I am .015 at the hit run it out the back door and don't get there. Run a 5.564....Opponent is dead on with a zero .019 bulb. Took .0098 stripe. If I left the 6 on it I would have been .019 pack and took .0002 and won.......

Nephew helping me in staging lanes before the run told me he thought it was going to run the .56 too... hammer He can dial the car the rest of the year lol.

Forgot to add earlier my #1 all time greatest way to LOSE a bracket race is dial an number you CAN'T run!!!

Always have a brake pedal to go slower! whistling

Though you lost a .029 pack will win a lot of rounds.