Originally Posted by fastmark
I have a friend who fought his Sniper with a big cam for quite awhile. He called Rich and he helped him fix the problem. . He said he wished he would have done that from the beginning.

Yeah it only takes a few minutes for a pro to dial in a big cam tune on a Sniper so it is a good investment. Holley kind screws up the deal by telling people that a laptop is not required to tune a Sniper. That is true if you have a stock 350 chevy, but it isn't true if you have a big engine, or a big engine with a big cam. When you have a big cam you have to use a laptop to tune the spark and fuel tables. Good news is that it only takes a few keystrokes to fix the tune, bad news is that Holley doesn't provide any instructions. There are a few videos on youtube that kind of show part of the process but nothing very professional. Just guys in their backyards taking shaky videos with their cell phones. Someone like Rich can dial in a tune in 15 or 20 minutes.