Didn't they just come out yesterday and say, if the USA goes green with electric vehicles, solar power plants, wind power plants, etc, there would need to be between a 2X and 3X increase in power transmission lines. Now understand this, CA came out today and stated due to the temps, the grid was close to failure. That means, people are using electricity and the system is pretty much max'd. One huge problem is NIMBYism. People don't want the huge power lines running near them so actually achieving a 200-300% increase in transmission capacity is a pipe dream. Toyota and Cummins seem to have this figured out. In reality all the auto makers do. The automakers in the US went to the gov and asked them to please not increase the CAFE requirements as there is only so much money for research. They can either make ICE engines more efficient or research electric vehicles. By the way, GM makes what, 5 cars, Ford makes 1. Why? Well besides the profit margins, SUVs fall into a different area for CAFE? Cummins is going Hydrogen. I heard long term that is what Toyota things will work the best also. Cummins believes with just a bit of tweeking an ICE engine can run on Hydrogen and become almost pollution free. I guess we will see. What is also not covered is right now homes are not set up to charge the vehicles. I have a 110 outlet by the garage. 1 hours charge will get me 3 miles according to what I read last week. My daily commute is 30 miles and that doesn't include running errands or going over to see customers. That is 10 hours of charging. But there are 4 drivers in the family and that many cars. Solution? Install 220. Hey, somebody has to pay for that. Guess who. How many boxes have 8 extra slots?
What I do like is reading about the new solar tech. They estimate that by 2025 a panel on your house could produce 80% more electric. In many areas, homes could be literally free of the grid. That would cut down on the transmission requirements for sure but nothing is free folks.

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