Originally Posted by therocks
Kevin if they melted something was wrong.When steve from Imperial gave me and Jesse ours he was with Schumaccer Dont know if they were the saem as 65 mounts were no avaliable till he made them Still have on from the 62 in the garage Jesse thought it split and steve gave him anothe one.It was a casting mark Mine have been on the 65 for at least 15 years or more Same with trans mount.Rocky

I had Heddman shorties on it and they were pretty close. The guy from Schumacher that used to come to Carlisle said they were having issues with the stuff they were molded out of and replaced them on the spot.

It took a while for the first set to disintegrate but the second set didn't last a couple trips to town. The mechanical lock part was good but the poly stuff was toast.
