Originally Posted by 6PakBee
You don't need anything special. Just be aware that drilling though the cylinder lock pins isn't smooth drilling. Don't rush things, there is always a chance of hanging the bit up and breaking it. That would not be good.

having worked with small drill bits my entire career, it takes a careful feel with the speed [rpm] and feed rate to be successful in drilling deep holes [more than 1/8-3/16"] in solid material, let alone an "interrupted" cut, like you will encounter drilling out the lock pins. add in using a hand drill that can "catch" the pins and break, because the rpm and feed rate [pushing on the hand drill] usually varies, try this knowing the bit breakage possibility up front.
it can be done [i have done it, so how hard can it be ? ], but most guys get in a hurry.
just my experience, your mileage will vary.............