The company I work for supports GenZe and Land (Cleveland Cycle).
I am a motorcyclist...and e-bikes are not motorcycles to me.
Actually, I am not sure what they fit into.
If you are a bicyclist, don't you want to pedal and exercise?

They may be something for urban folks, but $5000 for a toy that takes me a few blocks away to the local restaurant/grocery story seems weird.
I'm sure some sub-groups of friends will all become little e-bike gangs, or maybe your a 30-year old who lives in an urban townhouse and commute to an office building 10 blocks away. it worth it to drop 5k for something like that?

In this area, no one will use them for 6 months out of the year, so if your life style cannot be constant with it, you will never use it.

When they are $500, i will bring them to Carlisle and weld a big basket on the front and back.

Last edited by RP's R/T's; 05/29/21 12:21 PM.