I love this you guys...some cool DIY stuff.

So my first time through on the factory iron took me to where 2boltmain ended. But...heck...can't just stop there, right? LOL

Well, I went a step further and focused on removing that valve guide boss casting leftover which connects the main part of the guide to the roof. It just seemed to be the only major 'obstacle' left in the path of airflow. My main goal here was to create a more seamless roof flow path.

Here is what I ended up with (4 attachments only), but I'll do a follow-up post that shows the flow bench differences as these heads were done by the same guy, on the same bench. So it's not so much the numbers hit that I was after (although there is no denying it that it's good to see impressive values), instead I was focused on the CHANGE between the two sets of numbers.
