I've been looking at building a second dwelling (approved) on our parcel properly zoned.
I've considered all options and have pretty much settled on stick built.
While I do not know your location/approval jurisdiction I'd suggest talking with the local manufacturers in your area, and surrounding areas.
Sometimes there is very lax requirements that one may want to avoid.
I guess you are looking for an energy efficient and convenient home.
A couple things to consider. Slab or raised floor, group all the plumbing and mechanical in one portion of home.
2x6 and dual pane vinyl and extra insulation in floors and attic. Properly vent the attic.
Orient the home to obtain as much solar gain, and possible photovoltaic in the future.
Also, if the foot print is fairly modest locate it so that it could be converted to garage use in the future. Install headers over windows that can later be opened up for garage doors.
Lastly I believe the current market is unsustainable. You are likely not able to wait, yet building now may be tough.
Do consider some finishing paint, cabinets and counters, appliances and systems to do, or sub out yourself.